Project Management

Staying in the construction and renovations business for as long as we have requires consistency and organisation, which is why we have streamlined our process:

Our Project Management Process

Developing a Project Roadmap

The development of a project roadmap is the first stage in project management. It's a high-level overview of what has to happen in order to create a precise timeline. It's also a great technique to figure out what performance measures should be used.

Defining Roles and Responsibilities

The second phase in project management is to properly define the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders and others. This can be used to figure out who has to approve what. It's much easier to put a plan in motion after the roles and duties have been specified.

Setting Scope and Baselines

Getting the scope and baselines in writing is the next step in managing a construction project. Setting a particular scope limits the amount of influence in a project, making it a contractual duty for all parties involved and easy to reference. Baselines, deliverables, and other elements make it simple to establish how to assess the project's success.


This is normally the point at which a project begins to take shape. One of the most critical phases in managing a construction project is creating a timeline and getting everyone to agree on it. When the schedule is finished, it is sent out for review and approval.

Developing the Modification Process

The modification process, which is critical in construction, should not be overlooked by project managers. The modification procedure informs keyholders on where to send change orders and how long they should take to respond. Before they're needed, it establishes a chain of command, a review process, and an approval procedure.

Developing and Implementing the Quality

The quality control and quality assurance plan is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of project management. Projects that are subjected to frequent inspections require less rework since the solutions are simple and inexpensive. It stops errors before they happen.


Before the project officially begins, this final step allows you to raise questions and make modifications. This also ensures that the appropriate parties are aware of what has to be purchased and when it needs to be acquired.


The key indicators identified earlier are used to assess progress on this step. This is also the time to double-check that payment plans are set up and running properly. The final phase in managing a building project is ensuring that the owners' requirements have been satisfied and that customer satisfaction has been achieved when they acquire ownership.

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